- Download Application Form (pdf - 188kb)
Kathie Shearer
e: p: 0417 398 139
Media Centre Manager
Bethan Cutler
LET Media Coordinator
Media credentials for coverage of the Ladies Masters will be issued to WORKING MEDIA REPRESENTATIVES ONLY, and under no circumstances are to be requested for use as tournament passes. Any use of credentials for purposes other than coverage of the tournament will result in the credentials being revoked.
Credentials are NON-TRANSFERABLE, and must be claimed by the person to whom accreditation was originally granted.
SEATING in the working media area is limited, and will be made available to only those journalists producing materials for print or broadcast deadlines.
PHOTOGRAPHERS' CREDENTIALS will be limited to daily newspapers, major sports and news magazines, wire services and television cameramen required for coverage of the tournament.
- Interview requests are granted after play. Players are not to be distracted during play. Do not request or ask players to pose for photographs during their rounds or practice sessions prior to their rounds.
- Under the Rules of Golf, a player turning in an incorrect scorecard in stroke play is disqualified. At the 9th and 18th greens, a player must not be delayed or distracted until he has checked, signed and returned his scorecard to the proper official. REMAIN WELL OUTSIDE THE SCORING AREA.
- Do not walk or stand in playing areas. Please follow the directions of marshals and tournament officials.
- Do not walk or stand in practice areas. Media are not allowed on the putting green or within the ropes in the practice tee area.
- All tape-recorded work must be done in the proximity of the Media Centre or Clubhouse.
- The Media Centre is reserved for working press and media officials only. Please understand that guests cannot be admitted.
- The photography/media photo pocket regulations are a condition of the privilege of covering the event and must be adhered to. Co-operation in abiding by these regulations is expected.
- During the tournament days, players in the lead will be brought to the Media Centre for a mass interview immediately after leaving the scoring area.
- The mass interview will be accorded priority over one-on-one interviews. However, there will be instances in which TV interviews will be granted with the leaders before proceeding to the Media Centre. These interviews will be POOLED immediately after the player leaves the scoring area.
- For one-on-one and individual TV interviews, please consult the on-site Media Centre Manager.
- After the final round, the runner(s)-up will be escorted to the Media Centre first; the winner last. As soon as the ceremony is completed, the above procedure will be followed.
Your co-operation in abiding by the rules will be much appreciated by players, spectators and officials.
The Tour's photography regulations are designed to protect the competitive environment of each player. The following rules must be adhered to by all accredited news and television photographers, and motion picture cameramen as a condition of taking pictures throughout the tournament.
- A photographer must not ask a player to pose during a round.
- A camera must not be pointed at a player about to make a stroke in any manner that might tend to disturb him or distract his attention.
- At the 9th and 18th greens, photographers must not approach, delay or distract a player until he has checked, signed and returned her scorecard to the proper official. REMAIN WELL OUTSIDE THE SCORING AREA. Under the Rules of Golf, a player turning in an incorrect scorecard in stroke play is disqualified.
- Only photographers/cameramen who have been issued photo pocket flashes will be permitted inside gallery lines. They must station themselves immediately inside such lines, and NOT MORE THAN ARM'S LENGTH FROM THE LINES, so as to blend into the gallery and appear to be part of the gallery. They must not choose conspicuous positions in the open.
- Tour officials reserve the right to modify this regulation at any time and to designate limited photo areas if called for.
- Avoid sudden movements when located in peripheral vision of golfer(s).
- Close-up action shots are prohibited. All pictures must be taken at appreciable distances, as far from players as possible and from angles that are not acute to the line of play.
- Use of golf carts by news or television photographers is strictly prohibited.
- If a player or official requests that no photographs be taken in a particular situation, the request must be honoured without discussion.
Photographers must not release their camera shutters from any distance until the player has struck the ball.